Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Thoughtful & Deep Pictures

It's my hair dryer. It really makes me think.

Let's take a closer look

At Clinton's penis onion rings my vortex. Because it really is all about me.

It seems Hillary has been caught up in a vortex once again. There's video, but I'm too drunk lazy to watch it. I don't think this stops me from having an opinion, though. Do you? I always like to hear what my readers have to say. I think Hillary is fake, just like her marriage. I mean, I voted for Clinton and I will vote for Russ Finegold again, so it's not like I'm a Republican or anything, and I'm a true feminist, but I think that having a woman in the White House would be bad. Because they she can't handle serious things.

Besides, I have a backlog of American Idol reruns on my Tivo to watch.

My breakfast

CC by Flickr user alphalead

I had six of these for breakfast. I thought about vlogging that but I figured that would just start another vortex of Anti-Alhosania. So I took a picture of it. Amn't I artistic? I think I am.